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Restoration of the sand dunes at Ramla tat-Torri and maintenance of the protected areas at ix-Xagħra tal-Kortin/ Imġiebaħ

: Habitat restoration
: Malta
: Ramla tat-Torri and ix-Xagħra tal-Kortin/ Imġiebaħ
: 2020
: Rehabilitation of sites via actions other than planting
: Complete
: No
: Ambjent Malta
: 35.9671
: 14.3833
Improved air quality
Biodiversity conservation or increased biodiversity
Ecosystem restoration and/or improved ecological connectivity
Drought and heat risk
Yes, the Mediterranean Basin is undergoing a warming trend with longer and warmer summers, an increase in the frequency and the severity of heat waves, changes in precipitation patterns and a reduction in rainfall amounts (Linares et al; 2020).
Loss of biodiversity
Yes, this project's actions are aimed to reduce biodiversity by implementing different action such as active and passive restoration projects.
Ecosystem degradation
Yes, data from The Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (BES) index (2020) indicates that Malta is one of the highest in the world for the fragility of its biodiversity and ecosystems. (ERA, 2018).
Terrestrial biodiversity (SDG15)
: ERA. 2018. State of the Environment Report 2018: Chapter 8: Biodiversity. Reporting status from 2009 to 2015. Information obtained: 2019-11-08. Available at:

Linares, C., Díaz, J., Negev, M., Martínez, G.S., Debono, R. and Paz, S. 2020. Impacts of climate change on the public health of the Mediterranean Basin population - current situation, projections, preparedness and adaptation. Environmental Research, 182:109107 Available at: Swiss Re institute (2020) Available at: